In the realm of digital photo management, the seamless integration between Google Drive and Google Photos is crucial for a hassle-free experience. As of July 2019, a notable change occurred: new photos and videos in Google Drive no longer automatically sy (2024)

Why Migrate from Google Drive to Google Photos?

Google Drive, while a reliable storage tool, lacks the robust features for image editing and intelligent organization that Google Photos provides. Let's delve into the distinct advantages Google Photos offers for image management:

1. Convenient Photo Viewing

Google Photos organizes your images chronologically, whether you access them through the official website or the mobile app. This timeline structure simplifies navigation, allowing you to effortlessly browse through your visual journey.

2. Smart Search Functionality

A standout feature of Google Photos is its AI-driven search capabilities. It accurately retrieves results based on entered information and even distinguishes between people, animals, and plants through facial recognition.

3. Basic Photo Editing

Google Photos empowers users with fundamental photo editing functions. From applying filters to adjusting levels, rotating, and cropping images, you have a suite of tools at your fingertips.

In essence, Google Photos stands as a comprehensive photo library application, offering essential features for creating albums, storing camera-captured moments, and managing downloaded GIFs. The question now is, how do you seamlessly transfer your photos from Google Drive to Google Photos?

Methods to Transfer Photos from Google Drive to Google Photos

Method 1: Traditional Download and Upload

  1. Search for images and videos on Google Drive, select the files for transfer.
  2. Click on the three dots in the top menu bar, then choose "Download."
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder on your computer.
  4. Visit Google Photos and upload the files from your local storage.

    Note: Ensure you delete the files from Google Drive afterward to avoid redundant space usage.

This method, while straightforward, consumes time and energy, especially with a large number of photos.

Method 2: Direct Upload from Google Drive

  1. Visit the Google Photos homepage, click "Upload," then select "Google Drive" from the menu.
  2. Choose "MY DRIVE" in the pop-up window.
  3. Search for images based on file type, select all photos, and click "UPLOAD."

Compared to the first method, this skips the file download and extraction steps, saving significant time.

Method 3: Using the Google Drive Application

Since October 1, 2021, the Google Drive application has replaced Backup and Sync, offering new features while relinquishing some from its predecessor. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Google Drive application.
  2. Log in with your Google account credentials.
  3. Access preferences and choose "File Mirroring."
  4. Open the Explorer to save the photos from Google Drive to your PC.
  5. After synchronization, add a folder containing the photos to Google Photos as the destination.

This method is efficient but requires prior downloading of the Google Drive application and storing relevant photos locally.

Method 4: Effortless Transfer with MultCloud

MultCloud, a powerful cloud management tool, facilitates transferring photos from Google Drive to Google Photos without the need for downloading or uploading. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a MultCloud account.
  2. Add Google Drive and Google Photos to MultCloud.
  3. Click "Cloud Sync" to migrate photos from Google Drive to Google Photos.
  4. Choose the source and destination folders, then click "Sync Now."

MultCloud provides advanced synchronization options and can handle multiple cloud accounts simultaneously.


In conclusion, the seamless transfer of photos from Google Drive to Google Photos is essential for efficient photo management. Whether opting for traditional methods, direct uploads, Google Drive application usage, or leveraging the capabilities of MultCloud, the key lies in choosing a method that aligns with your preferences and workflow. By following these comprehensive steps, you can effortlessly organize your visual memories in Google Photos, ensuring a smooth transition from Google Drive.

In the realm of digital photo management, the seamless integration between Google Drive and Google Photos is crucial for a hassle-free experience. As of July 2019, a notable change occurred: new photos and videos in Google Drive no longer automatically sy (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.